Fall Colors

There are many plants that turn fall colors even in a small garden like this one. We have a number of dwarf plants that turn lovely colors in the fall and winter and some of the evergreens also turn colors, either with their leaves or flowers, or their flower buds waiting for bloom in the spring.

I’ve included a variety of plants here that turn great colors and make the time of beauty in the garden last a bit longer for us. Some others will continue to change as time goes along. The Taxodium dwarf I have is a long time changer and won’t really turn till December when it turns a rich golden brown.

I haven’t included the conifers that are in color all year long, only the ones that change like the Cryptomeria elegans. There are many blue colored plants in the garden and they add a lot of color for us all the time. On second thought I’ll add in a few of the blue ones too, just for the heck of it, eh?

I even included a shot of the neighbors Liquidamber, as it’s a  huge one and quite striking. I wish we could grow big trees like this one in our yard but there’s a lot to be said from “Borrowing” the scenery of the neighbors, you know? ; ) It adds to the size of the garden and lets us see other types of plants on the skyline.

Lots of color everywhere here  tho it’s slowly fading. I read that the PNW is luckily getting just the right mix of weather to have spectacular fall colors, which we don’t usually have in such abundance. So it’s a great year for color here and I’m really enjoying it. I hope you are too.

Lovin’ the Colors!


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